Just discovered M.A.T. from a blurb in Rural Insights - great and informative "blog" - as a Negaunee native, now retired and living in Morocco for most of the year (with summer jaunts back to the U.P.) - great to have a insider perspective about new developments in town - good to see that Mqt. is becoming more "hip" and sophisticated, but welcome the warning that this gentrification should be respectful of the U.P.'s unique "wild", idiosyncratic culture - please don't let Mqt. become another cookie-cutter, cutesy tourist trap for the khaki crowd
I really miss the Marquette Monthly. Where else could you plan you month by ticking a list of events in Marquette and nearby counties. Even the ads were informative! Yes, there are digital resources, but I've not found one that is as comprehensive as MM. And free.
Marquette Monthly announced their return to publication a couple weeks back.
I know as a promoter they are still a GREAT resource, but they definitely still fell to number 3 behind traditional radio (yes, it still works, and you're a fool if you don't think so) and internet.
Just discovered M.A.T. from a blurb in Rural Insights - great and informative "blog" - as a Negaunee native, now retired and living in Morocco for most of the year (with summer jaunts back to the U.P.) - great to have a insider perspective about new developments in town - good to see that Mqt. is becoming more "hip" and sophisticated, but welcome the warning that this gentrification should be respectful of the U.P.'s unique "wild", idiosyncratic culture - please don't let Mqt. become another cookie-cutter, cutesy tourist trap for the khaki crowd
I really miss the Marquette Monthly. Where else could you plan you month by ticking a list of events in Marquette and nearby counties. Even the ads were informative! Yes, there are digital resources, but I've not found one that is as comprehensive as MM. And free.
Marquette Monthly announced their return to publication a couple weeks back.
I know as a promoter they are still a GREAT resource, but they definitely still fell to number 3 behind traditional radio (yes, it still works, and you're a fool if you don't think so) and internet.