I didn't have the pleasure of knowing Tara Gluski, but reading your description of her was like a punch to the gut. I'm so sorry that she is gone, what a tragic loss. And then that haiku...

My sincere condolences to Tara's friends and family.

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Wondering how a crime involving that much money could have stayed hidden for so long at a public high school? Because their focus was in the wrong place with this name change nonsense.

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I'm not aware of a landfill in Marquette. Could this be the old landfill off Pioneer road or maybe a typo?

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The Sentinels? No. Marquette will always be The Redmen. Looks like it is time to replace some school board members back to some forward thinkers. Thankfully the movement to save Native American History & Heritage from wokeness is gaining momentum across the country - and is being led by Native Americans who have pride in their history. It is time to bring that to bear here in MQT. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/pro-native-american-activists-fighting-to-save-indigenous-traditions-in-nationwide-war-against-wokeness/ar-BB1hxhy2?ocid=entnewsntp

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